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A luxury product
for premium content


The El País team is in the process of launch of its subscription model, and within this time of launch, there is an opportunity to improve and create an ecosystem of digital products and experiences around of its core product that adds value to users.

In this case, we work conceptually on the Culture App. By creating a high-quality Culture product, we can help position the company as a benchmark in the generation of high-value content, aligned with the values of excellence and quality (premium) that El País wants to promote through this new initiative. , aligning the value proposition with the digital asset.

Portada Babelia
Babelia Splash Screens

Splash screen with Babelia Covers

Babelia covers have always stood out for their quality, style and design. It is a characteristic of the big magazines and supplements (Time, The New Yorker...) and we want its essence to remain in the digital format. In addition, this small-big detail helps reinforce the feeling that EP Cultura (or Babelia Digital) is a live application with constant content updates.

Onboarding & personalization

On first access to the app, the user is offered a series of topics to indicate whether they are of interest to them or not and thus begin to personalize their experience based on their preferences.

The latest contents: news, book reviews, movies, lists, exhibitions...

The content type of the App invites a calm reading out of urgency to the alludes to this categorization but we will validate it in the research phase. We want you to at first glance user is inspired and has a global vision of all relevant news in the cultural field that obviously. They will appear sorted by date and time decreasing and in a very special format, similar to Instagram stories.

Design & functionality

The journey is as important as the destination... Create an app designed so that it can be discovered and enjoyed, in a hedonistic way, but balanced with attributes such as order, cleanliness... a place to find authors, artists and lists of relevant topics.

Dark / Light Mode

Possibility of reading the articles, of listening to them, or you can enjoy the reading accompanied by audio by the author or a relevant voice from the El País team.

The power to change the mode (light/dark) and font size depending on the occasion (without having to go to settings). A type of reading adapted to each moment of consumption.

Modos de lectura App El País
App El País Search Steep 1-2
App El País Search Steep 2-3

A search engine that invites you to explore

To conceptualize the search engine, we have been inspired by the well-known IMDB App that offers the user multiple search options (by genre, author, year of publication...). In addition, the ISBN code reader allows you to quickly locate reviews or articles about a specific book.

All this will also help the user to build a mental map of everything that can be found in the application. In the search results we will always show related topics.

Motion: Santi Lobos